Equivalent to Thai permanent residence, lifetime visa, transferable as many times as you want.

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Thailand Elite Old Membership

Thailand Elite Old Membership Quotes

Thailand Elite Old Membership Quotes

Thailand Elite Old Membership

The old Thailand Elite memberships (those first sold between 2003 and around 2008) have recently increased in popularity because there are no restrictions on the number of times they can be transferred and they can be resold as many times as necessary.

There is no fixed price, and prices are determined on a negotiated basis between the seller and the buyer.
In general, those that first joined between 2003 and early 2006 and have a lifetime membership that can be transferred as many times as needed are the most popular, and some have been sold for high prices.

The next most popular type is the one in which the initial member is a lifetime member and the transferred member becomes a 30-year member, amortized from year to year.

Naturally, the earliest types seem to be the most popular and the most traded.

Thailand Eite Old Membership Quotes

Since the Thailand Elite Old Membership is only a private transaction, the prices vary.
Since there are not enough of them in circulation to be called a market price, there are not enough examples to be called a market price.

Facts about the transfer of former Thai Elite memberships

There are now some information about selling or buying Thailand Elite old memberships on the Internet. There are a number of points to note here.

Ownership of the former membership interest in the Thailand Elite subject to transfer

It is necessary to confirm the ownership of the former membership of Thailand Elite, which is the subject of the transfer.
There are some cases where a person falsely claims to be the seller and promotes business negotiations for membership rights that are not in his/her own name.

Privileges of the old Thai Elite memberships subject to transfer

The benefits of the former Thailand Elite membership vary depending on when you first join.

  • Transferable as many times as you like as a lifetime membership.
  • Initial member is a lifetime member, and after the transfer, the member becomes a 30-year member, which can be transferred as many times as needed.
  • Items that can be transferred only once.

Procedures for transfer of old Thai Elite memberships

The process of transferring the old Thai Elite membership is a bit complicated.

  • Price negotiation between seller and buyer
  • Conclusion of a purchase agreement for the transfer
  • Buyer’s application for membership → Approval of membership(Several months)
  • name change procedure

As this is the above process, it is necessary to make detailed arrangements as to at what point the settlement will be made.

Please be aware that there have been recent reports of cases where people have posed as sellers or deceived brokers, leading to trouble.

Thailand Elite Old Membership Security Brokerage System

As an authorized agent of Thailand Elite (Thailand Privilege) in Japan, we offer our own [Thailand Elite Old Membership Safety and Security Brokerage System] in order to eliminate problems in the transfer of old memberships.
In our brokerage, we focus on the wishes of the seller and the buyer, and strive to conclude the transfer at an amount as close to the desired price as possible.

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