Equivalent to Thai permanent residence, lifetime visa, transferable as many times as you want.

Life time VISA, VIP treatment, Free limousine transfer, Free Golf, Free Massage, much more

Thailand Elite Old Membership

Dangers Lurking in Thailand Elite Former Membership Transactions

As an authorized agent, we can research memberships to be bought or sold and broker sales based on our many years of experience.

Some of the Thailand Elite old memberships also have different contents depending on when they were first sold.

The type of membership depends on the time of the initial sale, such as

As an authorized agent, we can research memberships to be bought or sold and broker sales based on our many years of experience.

We take the most up-to-date precautions to ensure that the transfer of title is completed only after we have confirmed the completion of the transfer of the purchase price.

Have you prepared a contract that covers the contractor, the object of the sale and purchase, the amount of the sale, the method of cash transfer, cancellation clauses, the method and timing of title changes, etc.?
Since it takes about three months from the contract acceptance to the purchase agreement after the admission screening of the purchaser, it is essential to have a purchase agreement that fully takes various points into consideration. There are not a few reported cases of oral agreements that have led to problems, and there are also not a few cases that require a great deal of effort to resolve.

As the only authorized agent in Japan, we have 10 years of experience in brokering former memberships to ensure that the buying and selling of former memberships is safe and fair, and to wipe out fraudulent activities that may damage the reputation of the Thai elite.

Thailand Elite Old Membership Security Brokerage System


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